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Events (5)
- 2025年2月15日 | 1:00日本、〒182-0033 東京都調布市富士見町3丁目21−12
- 2024年5月22日 | 22:30日本、〒401-0320 山梨県南都留郡鳴沢村 CP82+7P
- 2025年2月9日 | 4:30日本、〒182-0033 東京都調布市富士見町3丁目21−12
Other Pages (20)
- カトリック調布教会 | 青少年司牧の教会 | Japan, 東京都調布市富士見町3−21−12
巡礼の教会であり、チマッティ神父の記念館(お墓)や聖骸布の原寸大の公認レプリカがあるカトリック調布教会 welcome To Chofu Church We are empowered by our unwavering trust in the Lord's teachings, and where we come together under the Holy Spirit, unity and harmony will come. Please join our community and experience the power of the Lord together in your daily life. The doors of Chofu Church are open to everyone. Please feel free to come to church even if it is your first time. Chofu Church is a church entrusted to the Salesian Order by the Archdiocese of Tokyo, and we work together with all young people to help them maximize the talents they have been given by God and live happy lives. We are a youth pastoral church that supports the growth of each and every young person, taking Don Bosco's teaching of "loving young people and being with young people" to heart. Mass Time Mass time Anyone can attend either Mass. Please join us in praying. [Regular Mass] Saturday: 19:00 Sunday: 8:00 9:30 11:00 [First Friday Mass] First Friday of every month: 10:30 [English Mass] 2nd Sunday: 14:30 [Vietnamese Mass] 4th Sunday: 14:30 Topics Topics No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Monthly Schedule If you would like to see the annual schedule, click here! → Schedule of The year Manthly Schedule For first-time visitors Anyone can enter the church. The chapel is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on days other than Sunday, so please feel free to come in and pray. The mass held there is an important ceremony held by the Catholic Church to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Anyone can participate. Please feel free to ask any of the guides wearing armbands for assistance. We look forward to! If you are lost, tired, troubled, suffering, or searching for a way, please come knock on the door of Chofu Church. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. " Matthew 11:28 “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with me. "Revelation / Chapter 3, Verse 20 Chofu Church Page For first-time visitors
- キリスト教会基礎知識 | カトリック調布教会
Christian Church Basic Information Please refer to the Q&A format that summarizes basic information about Christian churches. If you would like to know more, please ask a priest or come to a Sunday mass. Q&A Weddings and Funerals Q&A Prayer, Beliefs, and the Holy Spirit Q&A on the Bible, Christmas and Easter About Chofu Church What is the Catholic Church? Our church is the "Catholic Church." Catholic means "universal" or "worldwide." It is a church that has inherited a 2,000-year tradition that began with Jesus' disciples, and spreads throughout the world with the Pope as the center of unity. There are approximately 1.3 billion believers worldwide. About 2000 years ago, Jesus preached to the people of Judea (now Israel) and performed miraculous deeds. The core of his teaching was, "God loves you. Love God and love one another." Jesus taught the way to God and man and set an example for people, but he incurred the wrath of the religious leaders of the time and was crucified. However, as foretold in the Old Testament, Jesus resurrected on the third day and commanded his disciples to "go into all the world and preach the teachings," and returned to God. The disciples, as commanded by Jesus, spread Jesus' teachings to people, and a group of people who believed in Jesus as the Lord and Christ (Savior) was born. This is the "church." The church is a community of people who believe in Jesus and seek to walk in his way. What is Mass? The Mass is a gathering that originated from Jesus' " Last Supper ." On the night before his death on the cross, Jesus had supper with his disciples, where he said, "This is my body and my blood," and gave bread and wine to his disciples. He then commanded his disciples, "Do this in remembrance of me." For 2,000 years since then, the Church has been holding the Mass to commemorate Jesus' death and resurrection, receiving Jesus in the bread and wine as commanded, and becoming one with Jesus. In the first half of the Mass, we hear the words of the Bible that are set for each day and give thanks for the grace of salvation realized by Jesus. In the second half, we gather around the Lord's table (altar) to offer bread and wine, and eat the bread that became the body of Christ (the Eucharist) . Mass is conducted by a priest. Mass is held not only on Sundays but also on weekdays, and is also held for weddings and funerals. At Sunday Mass, a pamphlet called " Bible and Liturgy " with the Bible of the day printed on it is distributed, but you may take it home after the mass. In some churches, religious services may be held on Sundays when the priest is not present. What does "Amen" mean at the end of a prayer? And why do we say "Amen"? Amen is a Hebrew word meaning "verily" or "so be it." In Christianity, it is recited by everyone at the end of a prayer to show agreement and unity with the representative's prayer. Although it is a short phrase, it can be seen as a confession of faith that expresses the wish that "so be it." What is the difference between Catholics and Protestants? Christianity is divided into Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodox churches. Although they are all Christian, there are some differences in their interpretation of the Bible and their doctrines. Recently, the "ecumenical movement" has been underway, and in Japan, the interdenominational New Interconfessional Translation of the Bible has been published and is used by many denominations. Protestantism split off from Catholicism during the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, and it is said that there are now several hundred denominations in Japan alone. The Catholic Church is united under the Pope and has one doctrine. In addition, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism), the Watchtower (Jehovah's Witnesses), and the Unification Church are distinguished from Christianity in terms of their doctrines. How can I attend Mass? Please feel free to come to Mass any time. Please join in singing hymns and listening to the Bible readings with the other believers. Donations are optional (but not mandatory). In the second half of the Mass, there will be a "Sign of Peace." Please say "Peace of the Lord" and greet (bow) those around you. At the end of the Mass, Communion is held. The faithful receive Christ (the Eucharist) in the round bread. Communion is limited to Catholic baptized believers, but those who have not yet been baptized can receive a blessing instead. Line up in the same line as the believers, and bow your head slightly in front of the priest or minister, saying "I would like a blessing." After the blessing is over, say "Amen" and return to your original seat. Q&A Weddings and Funerals Q&A Prayer, Beliefs, and the Holy Spirit Q&A on the Bible, Christmas and Easter
- Pilgrimage course | カトリック調布教会
Jubilee Year "No confidence", "Hope Does Not Deceive" (Romans 5:5) (Year of yobel, jubilee, joy) What is a Jubilee? The term "jubilee" has two roots: "yobiel" (Hebrew), referring to the ram's horn used to announce a special year, and "jubilum" (Latin), the joyous cry of shepherds. The Jewish Jubilee has its background in Leviticus 25, which refers to the Hebrew Sabbath year that came every 50 years, when the land was at rest, debts were forgiven, and slaves were freed. Catholic jubilees have also been celebrated every 50 years, but in 1475 Pope Paul II ordained that they be celebrated every 25 years so that all generations could receive the grace of plenary indulgence. Youth Pilgrimage Church Catholic Chofu Church Youth Pilgrimage Church Pope Francis has announced that 2025 will be a Holy Year. In his Bull called "Hope Does Not Deceive," he designated 2025 as a Holy Year and invites us to celebrate it with the theme "Pilgrims of Hope." Chofu Church has been designated as a pilgrimage church (especially for young people) by the Tokyo Diocese. Holy Year 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope A Jubilee is a special celebration that the Church observes at least once every 25 years. It is a year of pilgrimage, focusing on the spiritual life, It is a year in which we go to confession, celebrate special masses, and turn to God in thanksgiving and repentance. The Holy Year will begin on December 24, 2024, with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. The Ordinary Jubilee will conclude with the closure of the door on the Feast of Epiphany on January 6, 2026. Chofu Church will start as a pilgrimage church (especially for young people) on December 29, 2024. The Jubilee Year is an opportunity to receive hope from God's grace and to be strengthened in our journey toward God. We are called to be a source of hope to many in times of difficulty. In order to share this blessing with many people, Chofu Church encourages people to interact with the relics in the church. We are preparing a pilgrimage course for you to experience the presence of God. Pilgrimage route information Click to enlarge Chofu Catholic Church The parish, whose patron saint is St. John Bosco, was approved in 1967. The current church was built in 2008 and is located on the grounds of the Salesian Seminary. The Cimatti Hall (parish hall), which can be used for various events such as concerts, is also located next door. Cathedral (outside) The chapel of Chofu Church was designed based on the motif of the tabernacle where Moses met with God, and is a sacred place. Tabernacle of Meeting (Exodus 33:7-23) "And when Moses entered the tabernacle, the pillar of cloud descended and stood at the door of the tabernacle, and the Lord talked with Moses. And when all the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the door of the tabernacle, they rose up and worshiped, every man at the door of his tent. And the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend." Cathedral (inside) Inside the church, all the seats are arranged to face the altar and the cross of Jesus. There are also 12 small stained glass windows on both sides of the church, which represent the 12 apostles watching over the church. Salesian Seminary Church At the entrance, there is a replica of the painting "Father Kibe and the 187 Martyrs" by Ando Maki. At the front of the church is the bronze statue of Jesus on the cross by Munehiro Ikeda. The reading stand and altar are inscribed in seal script with the words "Faith, Hope, and Love," which are the basic principles of Christian life. Vincenzo Cimatti Born in Faenza, Italy, he came to Japan in 1926 as a missionary for the Salesian Order, which focuses on the training of young people. He devoted himself to music and prayer, as well as to establishing churches, schools and orphanages, and did his utmost to evangelize Japan, before passing away in 1965. In 1991, the Church declared him "Venerable," acknowledging that he lived a heroic life of the virtues of "faith, hope and charity." Father Cimatti's body is enshrined in the Seminary Memorial Chapel. When an autopsy was performed 12 years after his death, it was confirmed that his body had not decayed and that his skin was still elastic, and he is still placed in a sarcophagus in the Memorial Chapel. Cimatti Museum This museum was built in 1983 on the grounds of the Salesio Seminary to commemorate the virtues of Father Cimatti and to preserve and study his materials. On the first floor is a music archive with a collection of over 950 pieces composed by his master. Halfway up the stairs are photographs from his time in Italy, and on the second floor are many exhibits, including his research and collections as a doctor of natural sciences, his maestro diplomas on music theory, harmony, and other drafts and handwritten notes on all areas of music, as well as 6,300 letters collected to date, and an introduction to his missionary life in Japan. Father Chiara's grave The gravestone that stands quietly in front of the museum is that of Father Giuseppe Chiara, who was the model for Rodrigo, the protagonist of Shusaku Endo's "Silence." In the 17th century, there was a "Kirishima House" near Myogadani Station in Bunkyo Ward, where ten missionary priests who renounced their faith in 1643 were interred. Father Chiara died of illness in 1685 and was buried at Koishikawa Muryoin Temple, but in 1943 Father Tassinari of the Salesian Society discovered the gravestone and moved it to Chofu Theological Seminary. It is currently designated as a cultural property of Chofu City. Replica of the Shroud According to the Bible, Jesus' body was wrapped in "linen, sindum, and shroud." The shroud, which is said to have been preserved, is in Turin, northern Italy, and a replica is on display at the Cathedral in Chofu (only at Chofu Church in Japan). The shroud bears the same bloodstains as Jesus', including the crucifixion, scourging, crown of thorns, nail marks, and piercing wounds to the chest, and records the suffering and resurrection of Jesus. Holy Shroud Website ( ) Plenary Indemnity Plenary Indemnity A plenary indulgence is a complete remission of the punishment that one would have received as an apology for a sin that has been committed, by God's mercy and grace. Parents may try to punish their children severely for the sake of their education, as they want to raise them to be considerate people because of their selfish behavior. By making them suffer a little, they make them realize the seriousness of what they have done. However, as soon as the child realizes his or her own fault, reflects on it, and apologises, the parents immediately waive the punishment and embrace the child lovingly, praising him or her for being honest. When we commit a sin, we hurt and sadden God and our neighbors by behaving selfishly. We also forget God's mercy and distance ourselves from him. However, when we sincerely regret the sin we have committed, receive the sacrament of penance, and resolve to move forward as new people, the Church can, on God's behalf, absolve us from making the reparation we should have made, that is, from accepting punishment as a sign of our apology. This is what is called "indulgence." God is pleased with and fully accepts our "sincere and honest attitude of remorse" and our "positive determination to deepen our love." This historical form, which God is full of love for human beings and which we are not aware of, is called "penal indulgence." In sending us his Son, Christ, God makes us realize his call to mercy. Christ has forgiven us, freed us from our sins, and redeemed us. In gratitude for this fact, the Church gives Christians public encouragement in the form of "indulgences," or "freedom of reparation," so that they too may love, support, and show solidarity with one another. Conditions for Obtaining Plenary Indemnity Moved by a spirit of charity, before and after carrying out the works (A, B, C) prescribed by the Church for a Plenary Indulgence , three fundamental conditions must be fulfilled: Three basic conditions (01-03) 01 Receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation Before receiving a plenary indulgence, one must receive the sacrament of reconciliation (confession). 02 Receiving Holy Communion After receiving the sacrament of reconciliation, you must receive Holy Communion. 03 Praying for the Pope's wishes We need to pray a special prayer that the Pope intends. Lord's Prayer Hail Mary Prayer Glory Singing (Praise of the Most Holy Trinity) Declaration of Faith Works established by the Church for the Jubilee Year 2025 (A, B, C) At least one of the following A, B, or C moves must be met. A Pilgrimage to the places designated for the Jubilee In the Archdiocese of Tokyo, a condition for a plenary indulgence is to visit the Cathedral and three other pilgrimage churches. During the Holy Year, Chofu Church will be accepting pilgrims as a pilgrimage church designated by the Archdiocese of Tokyo. B Making reverent visits to other holy places At the Salesian Seminary, you can find the Cimatti Memorial Church (his grave) and other places. C Doing works of mercy and redemption Whatever you did for one of the least of these my brethren, you did it for me. Matthew 25:40 Schedule and Application Pilgrimage course schedule and application method 1. Supervising priest: Father Yamanouchi 2. Schedule: 1st Saturday, January 18, 2025 Reception opens at 9:30, 10:00-16:00, 50 people (estimated) Application period: 2024.12.8-12.29 2nd Saturday, February 15, 2025 Reception opens at 9:30, 10:00-16:00, 50 people (estimated) Application period: January 19th to February 9th, 2025 3rd March 15, 2025 (Sat) Reception opens at 9:30, 10:00-16:00, 50 people (estimated) Application period: February 16th to March 9th, 2025 4th April 5, 2025 (Sat) Reception opens at 9:30, 10:00-16:00, 50 people (estimated) Application period: March 16th to March 30th, 2025 3. Contents (pilgrimage menu): 9:30-10:00 Registration begins at the Seminary Cathedral Distribution of pamphlets for plenary indulgence 10:00-11:00 After a short preparation, the Sacrament of Reconciliation Meditation in the seminary chapel after the sacrament of reconciliation * Priest in charge of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (tentative): Father Yamanouchi, Father Marsilio, Father Compri, Father Rapp, Father Nakata 11:00-11:30 Cimatti Museum 11:30-12:00 Cimatti Memorial Church (Tomb) 12:00-12:30 Holy Shroud @ Seminary Room 112 12:30-13:30 Lunch (brought by each person) @Cimatty Hall After lunch, explanation of the plenary indulgence 13:30-14:30 Sharing (conversation in the spirit) Preparation for Plenary Indulgence (Write down each person's "gratitude, wishes, and promises" in the pamphlet) 14:45-16:00 Mass *It is also possible to attend only the Mass . Please fill out your "Thanks, Requests, and Promises" in the Chofu Church original pamphlet that will be given to you in advance and bring it with you. It will be dedicated at the Mass, and after the Mass, a plenary indulgence stamp will be stamped on it and it will be returned to you as a record of your prayers and pilgrimage. 4. Participation fee: Free. However, please bring your own lunch. 5. How to apply: ※Please fill in the attached PDF application form Please fill it out and submit it to the church office. (Currently, we are only accepting applications for the first session) 巡礼申込用紙 *You can also apply online here. 6. Contact: Chofu Church Office TEL 042-482-3937 email: Record of the Journey Record of the Journey of the Catholic Chofu Church This record will begin in April 2024 and run through the Holy Year of 2025, the 100th anniversary of the Salesian Society's arrival in Japan. This is a record of the graces that the Catholic Chofu Church community has received as a pilgrimage church from the Lord Jesus Christ and the journey that it has traveled together with the Holy Spirit . Chofu Church Journey Record